Doctoral courses
Doctoral teaching
As a center of excellence, the ESTP Research Institute is the hosting team for the Doctoral School of Science, Engineering, and Environment (SIE) at the University of Paris Est.
▶ ESTP doctoral students are supervised within the Research Institute by ESTP faculty researchers and are enrolled in partner doctoral schools: primarily in France, especially in SIE, which awards a Doctorate in Civil Engineering, or at a foreign university.
Theses can be prepared in the areas of expertise of the Research Institute:
- Energy efficiency in buildings
- Nuclear civil engineering
- Concrete engineering
- Road materials
- Digital twins of construction and infrastructures in their environment
- Innovative construction systems
- Smart and sustainable cities (smart city)
- Future construction sites (smart construction)
- Smart buildings
Research Theses
- Thesis topics & scientific publications
- View or revisit doctoral thesis defenses
- Previous thesis topics from the ESTP Research Institute
Internships and Research Projects
- See available internships
For more information, please contact:
Oelinavalona RABEARIVONY
Tel: +33 (0) 1 49 08 03 20
Email: orabearivony@estp.fr