International networks and ERASMUS+ Charter
Close ties with international stakeholders
ESTP hosts many incoming students and offers a wide range of opportunities abroad for outgoing students, thus extending its global reach by forging close links with international institutional stakeholders including:
The Erasmus+ programme aims to support European modernisation and the internationalisation of higher education. ESTP subscribes to Erasmus+, which is fully aligned with its strategy to encourage mobility among students, teaching and administrative staff. We believe these exchanges enrich our students’ academic experience.
The new Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) has been enhanced with a new stringent quality framework. It applies to the period 2021-2027.
Erasmus+ grants are attributed to students who have applied and who have been selected for a study mobility in Europe, provided that the funds we receive are sufficient. Grant amounts vary according to the cost of living in the host country.
For more information, please contact:
Naoil Bendrimia | First and Second Year Outgoing Mobility, Mobility Grants and Erasmus Coordinator.
Mail : nbendrimia@estp.fr
The UFA aims to improve Franco-German cooperation in higher education. This cooperation is designed to increase student mobility and support exchanges in the research sector by creating integrated Franco-German programmes and strengthening graduates’ skills in their specialisms in both countries.
In addition to partnerships with the universities of Bochum, Karlsruhe, Munich, Stuttgart and Aachen, ESTP and the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) offers a double degree programme for their respective students. This prestigious programme involves spending 18 months at ESTP, followed by 18 months at TUD, culminating in the award of a degree by both institutions.
Read more about the French-German double degree at the Technische Universität Dresden
For more information, please contact:
Cédric Graser
Mail : cgraser@estp.fr
The n+i Network actively recruits international students from countries such as China, India and Latin America.
ESTP is a member of the n+i Network and is therefore able to select applicants and offer them excellence in civil engineering, building, and mechanical and electrical engineering programmes, as well as study scholarships.
Applying via the n+i networks is a simple and effective way to find a programme of study, internship or job.
The ESTP programme is open to students with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree (Licence, B. Tech, B. Eng, B. Sc, B. Phil, Licenciatura, or equivalent). With its focus on excellence, this programme equips international engineers with the skills to face the challenges of globalisation, technical advances and sustainable development.
Successful applicants join the Master’s level programme and pursue their education with other students at the school in Second Year.
The first term in situ is a “transitional semester” to allow students to settle into the school and French life before joining the rest of the students on the core curriculum.
ESTP and the n+i Network offer each successful applicant an “integration package” consisting notably of assistance with administrative formalities (visa, social security), help with finding accommodation, and intensive French language courses.
Students wishing to apply should read all the relevant information then apply on the n+i Network website: www.nplusi.com
- Download the programme of study for the transitional semester
- PIL (Package of Linguistic Integration)
- PIM (Package of Methodology Integration)
For more information, please contact:
Léonie Paris
Mail : lparis@estp.fr
ESTP is a member of the Francophonie University Association (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, AUF) established 50 years ago as a global organisation of French-speaking universities, grandes écoles, university networks and scientific research centres. With its network of 845 members in 111 countries, it is one of the largest associations of higher education and research institutions in the world.
It promotes active solidarity between members and supports their structural initiatives (enhancing tuition, research, university governance and graduate employment prospects) and development programmes.